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Shadowmap Blog

Shadowmap news and enlightening articles about the Sun and its effect on us and our Earth.


Solar Analytics Enables Instant Solar Evaluation for your PV Installation Project

Continuing on the topic of solar energy and solar potential analysis, let’s explore what makes a solar tool great for everyone.

Michael Jus

Michael Jus


Solar Analytics upgrades Shadowmap to a global 3D heat map

Shadowmap Solar Analytics is a digital interface that enables a whole new level of solar planning in a customizable global 3D heat map.

Michael Jus

Michael Jus


Green Filming with Shadowmap

Make Shadowmap your green production tool – from location scouting to optimizing your shooting schedule and the use of available sunlight.

Michael Jus

Michael Jus


Beyond Vitamin D – Sun and holistic health

Sunlight is a vital factor for our circadian biorhythm and vitamin D balance. But there’s way more that the Sun can do for us.

Michael Jus

Michael Jus


Sunny Seats

Shadowmap Sunny Seats helps hospitality venues leverage the Sun – let guests book a table according to their sunlight preferences.

Michael Jus

Michael Jus


Sunlight and Vitamin D – How much do you need?

Vitamin D – How much Sun do you need to produce enough and what are the risks?

Michael Jus

Michael Jus


The Rhythm of Life and Light

How do sunlight and artificial light influence your circadian rhythm and why is that important?

Michael Jus

Michael Jus

Real Estate

Shadowmap for Home Seekers

How much sunlight does your future home really get?

Michael Jus

Michael Jus


Shadowmap for Photographers

Learn how you can plan for sunlight for your next shoot efficiently and fully remotely with Shadowmap.

Michael Jus

Michael Jus

Real Estate

Shed Light on Your Real Estate Offerings

Sunlight is a highly important factor in real estate. Learn how Shadowmap brings transparency and helps you close deals faster.

Michael Jus

Michael Jus

Real Estate

Trees in the City

With our latest updates to Shadowmap, 3D tree models are now available in several cities.

Michael Jus

Michael Jus