Shadowmap Explorer

Take Your Events to Another Level! Align with the Sun.

Shadowmap Explorer is our solution for event planners. Sun and shadow can make or break a daytime event. Too much sun exposure in the hot summer months will leave your audience breaking a sweat, and planning for enough shade might be crucial not only to keep them happy, but also to save energy expenses.

A clever choice of venue can help you satisfy the event attendees and stick to your budget at the same time.

Trusted by event planners around the world.

Shadowmap Explorer

Take Your Events to Another Level! Align with the Sun.

Shadowmap Explorer is our solution for event planners. Sun and shadow can make or break a daytime event. Too much sun exposure in the hot summer months will leave your audience breaking a sweat, and planning for enough shade might be crucial not only to keep them happy, but also to save energy expenses.

A clever choice of venue can help you satisfy the event attendees and stick to your budget at the same time.

Trusted by event planners around the world.

Shadowmap Explorer

Take Your Events to Another Level! Align with the Sun.

Shadowmap Explorer is our solution for event planners. Sun and shadow can make or break a daytime event. Too much sun exposure in the hot summer months will leave your audience breaking a sweat, and planning for enough shade might be crucial not only to keep them happy, but also to save energy expenses.

A clever choice of venue can help you satisfy the event attendees and stick to your budget at the same time.

Trusted by event planners around the world.

We’re here to help

Does this sound familiar?

In event planning there's a lot of hidden cost

Shadowmap Explorer offers an FPV feature to "walk" or "fly" around the 3D surroundings like in a video game. This way you can easily see the sun's position and its cast shadows around you.

Attendee satisfaction is key for getting the next job

Let the sun be your ally for attendee satisfaction and never lose track of the sun and its position in the sky. With Shadowmap you can pick any date and time to get accurate sun data on the fly.

I need to create unforgettable memories for my clients

Our interactive, fully navigable 3D map can save your precious time. Global building data and precise sunlight visualization help you preview the exact position and shape of shadows.

My client tells me to avoid excessive spending

Planning ahead with Shadowmap could have prevented this mishap. Easily visualize 3D terrain and buildings in our interactive sunlight & shadow simulation. Our map provides worldwide visualization of destinations in 3D. Search for the region you are going to and freely navigate around the map to screen potential photo locations. All while seeing the real shading impact of your surroundings.

Seaside event with shade to avoid overheating
Seaside event with shade to avoid overheating

We’re here to help

Does this sound familiar?

In event planning there's a lot of hidden cost

Shadowmap Explorer offers an FPV feature to "walk" or "fly" around the 3D surroundings like in a video game. This way you can easily see the sun's position and its cast shadows around you.

Attendee satisfaction is key for getting the next job

Let the sun be your ally for attendee satisfaction and never lose track of the sun and its position in the sky. With Shadowmap you can pick any date and time to get accurate sun data on the fly.

I need to create unforgettable memories for my clients

Our interactive, fully navigable 3D map can save your precious time. Global building data and precise sunlight visualization help you preview the exact position and shape of shadows.

My client tells me to avoid excessive spending

Planning ahead with Shadowmap could have prevented this mishap. Easily visualize 3D terrain and buildings in our interactive sunlight & shadow simulation. Our map provides worldwide visualization of destinations in 3D. Search for the region you are going to and freely navigate around the map to screen potential photo locations. All while seeing the real shading impact of your surroundings.

Seaside event with shade to avoid overheating

We’re here to help

Does this sound familiar?

In event planning there's a lot of hidden cost

Shadowmap Explorer offers an FPV feature to "walk" or "fly" around the 3D surroundings like in a video game. This way you can easily see the sun's position and its cast shadows around you.

Attendee satisfaction is key for getting the next job

Let the sun be your ally for attendee satisfaction and never lose track of the sun and its position in the sky. With Shadowmap you can pick any date and time to get accurate sun data on the fly.

I need to create unforgettable memories for my clients

Our interactive, fully navigable 3D map can save your precious time. Global building data and precise sunlight visualization help you preview the exact position and shape of shadows.

My client tells me to avoid excessive spending

Planning ahead with Shadowmap could have prevented this mishap. Easily visualize 3D terrain and buildings in our interactive sunlight & shadow simulation. Our map provides worldwide visualization of destinations in 3D. Search for the region you are going to and freely navigate around the map to screen potential photo locations. All while seeing the real shading impact of your surroundings.

Obtenez Shadowmap Explorer

Planifier en fonction du soleil oude l'ombre ?Évitez les mauvaises surprises.

Pourquoi Shadowmap Explorer?

Planifiez votre prise de vue, événement ou randonnée. Préparez-vous.

Obtenez des informations claires sur les conditions d'ensoleillement et d'ombre. N'importe où sur terre, n'importe quand. Nous aidons les photographes, les repéreurs, les réalisateurs de films aériens et de drones, les randonneurs et les voyageurs à obtenir une préparation parfaite et à planifier efficacement. Shadowmap EXPLORER offre une liberté totale à la caméra pour visualiser les points de repère, les itinéraires de voyage ou les hébergements réservés sous tous les angles. Lumière, ombre, journée parfaite.

Téléchargez vos propres modèles 3D

Prise en charge des fichiers IFC, OBJ, FBX, DAE et GLB avec des matériaux texturés.

3D Solar Analytics

Utiliser les données solaires et les cartes d'irradiation pour évaluer le potentiel solaire.


Commencez à explorer - trouvez votre place dans la lumière

Planifiez vos événements en toute confiance. Que ce soit un mariage, un concert en plein air ou une réunion d'entreprise, assurez-vous de profiter au maximum de la lumière naturelle et de l'ombre. L'explorateur de carte d'ombres vous aide à visualiser les modèles d'ensoleillement tout au long de l'année, vous permettant de choisir le moment et l'endroit idéaux pour votre événement. Créez l'atmosphère parfaite en exploitant la puissance de la lumière naturelle, garantissant que chaque instant est magnifiquement éclairé.


Commencez à explorer - trouvez votre place dans la lumière

Planifiez vos événements en toute confiance. Que ce soit un mariage, un concert en plein air ou une réunion d'entreprise, assurez-vous de profiter au maximum de la lumière naturelle et de l'ombre. L'explorateur de carte d'ombres vous aide à visualiser les modèles d'ensoleillement tout au long de l'année, vous permettant de choisir le moment et l'endroit idéaux pour votre événement. Créez l'atmosphère parfaite en exploitant la puissance de la lumière naturelle, garantissant que chaque instant est magnifiquement éclairé.


Shadowmap Free


Le moyen plus facile d'essayer Shadowmap. Aucune carte de crédit requise.

Trajectoire solaire et compas

Changer l'heure du jour en cours

Bâtiments en 3D et relief dans le monde entier

Aucune inscription requise

Logo Shadowmap Explorer

Shadowmap Explorer



Pour les photographes, les cinéastes, les organisateurs d'événements, les passionnés de santé et les randonneurs

Bâtiments en 3D et relief dans le monde entier

Changer l'heure du jour en cours

Trajectoire solaire et compas

Perspectives inter-saisonniers : choisissez n'importe quelle date et heure dans le passé ou le futur

Liberté totale de la caméra

Vue à la première personne incl. longueur focale variable


payé annuellement

– annuler à tout moment

Check out our other solutions.

Check out our other solutions.

Check out our other solutions.

L'application Shadowmap sur iPhone montre la ville de Vienne tenue par deux mains

Informations solaire à portée de main

La 1ère application interactive au monde sur le soleil et l'ombre. Visualisez la lumière pour n'importe quel endroit, heure et date. Parfait pour l'énergie solaire, l'immobilier, l'architecture, la photographie et plus encore!

L'application Shadowmap sur iPhone montre la ville de Vienne tenue par deux mains

Informations solaire à portée de main

La 1ère application interactive au monde sur le soleil et l'ombre. Visualisez la lumière pour n'importe quel endroit, heure et date. Parfait pour l'énergie solaire, l'immobilier, l'architecture, la photographie et plus encore!