Shadowmap Explorer

Take Your Events to Another Level! Align with the Sun.

Shadowmap Explorer is our solution for event planners. Sun and shadow can make or break a daytime event. Too much sun exposure in the hot summer months will leave your audience breaking a sweat, and planning for enough shade might be crucial not only to keep them happy, but also to save energy expenses.

A clever choice of venue can help you satisfy the event attendees and stick to your budget at the same time.

Trusted by event planners around the world.

Shadowmap Explorer

Take Your Events to Another Level! Align with the Sun.

Shadowmap Explorer is our solution for event planners. Sun and shadow can make or break a daytime event. Too much sun exposure in the hot summer months will leave your audience breaking a sweat, and planning for enough shade might be crucial not only to keep them happy, but also to save energy expenses.

A clever choice of venue can help you satisfy the event attendees and stick to your budget at the same time.

Trusted by event planners around the world.

Shadowmap Explorer

Take Your Events to Another Level! Align with the Sun.

Shadowmap Explorer is our solution for event planners. Sun and shadow can make or break a daytime event. Too much sun exposure in the hot summer months will leave your audience breaking a sweat, and planning for enough shade might be crucial not only to keep them happy, but also to save energy expenses.

A clever choice of venue can help you satisfy the event attendees and stick to your budget at the same time.

Trusted by event planners around the world.

Estamos aquí para ayudar

¿Esto te suena familiar?

In event planning there's a lot of hidden cost

Shadowmap Explorer offers an FPV feature to "walk" or "fly" around the 3D surroundings like in a video game. This way you can easily see the sun's position and its cast shadows around you.

Attendee satisfaction is key for getting the next job

Let the sun be your ally for attendee satisfaction and never lose track of the sun and its position in the sky. With Shadowmap you can pick any date and time to get accurate sun data on the fly.

I need to create unforgettable memories for my clients

Our interactive, fully navigable 3D map can save your precious time. Global building data and precise sunlight visualization help you preview the exact position and shape of shadows.

My client tells me to avoid excessive spending

Planning ahead with Shadowmap could have prevented this mishap. Easily visualize 3D terrain and buildings in our interactive sunlight & shadow simulation. Our map provides worldwide visualization of destinations in 3D. Search for the region you are going to and freely navigate around the map to screen potential photo locations. All while seeing the real shading impact of your surroundings.

Seaside event with shade to avoid overheating
Seaside event with shade to avoid overheating

Estamos aquí para ayudar

¿Esto te suena familiar?

In event planning there's a lot of hidden cost

Shadowmap Explorer offers an FPV feature to "walk" or "fly" around the 3D surroundings like in a video game. This way you can easily see the sun's position and its cast shadows around you.

Attendee satisfaction is key for getting the next job

Let the sun be your ally for attendee satisfaction and never lose track of the sun and its position in the sky. With Shadowmap you can pick any date and time to get accurate sun data on the fly.

I need to create unforgettable memories for my clients

Our interactive, fully navigable 3D map can save your precious time. Global building data and precise sunlight visualization help you preview the exact position and shape of shadows.

My client tells me to avoid excessive spending

Planning ahead with Shadowmap could have prevented this mishap. Easily visualize 3D terrain and buildings in our interactive sunlight & shadow simulation. Our map provides worldwide visualization of destinations in 3D. Search for the region you are going to and freely navigate around the map to screen potential photo locations. All while seeing the real shading impact of your surroundings.

Seaside event with shade to avoid overheating

Estamos aquí para ayudar

¿Esto te suena familiar?

In event planning there's a lot of hidden cost

Shadowmap Explorer offers an FPV feature to "walk" or "fly" around the 3D surroundings like in a video game. This way you can easily see the sun's position and its cast shadows around you.

Attendee satisfaction is key for getting the next job

Let the sun be your ally for attendee satisfaction and never lose track of the sun and its position in the sky. With Shadowmap you can pick any date and time to get accurate sun data on the fly.

I need to create unforgettable memories for my clients

Our interactive, fully navigable 3D map can save your precious time. Global building data and precise sunlight visualization help you preview the exact position and shape of shadows.

My client tells me to avoid excessive spending

Planning ahead with Shadowmap could have prevented this mishap. Easily visualize 3D terrain and buildings in our interactive sunlight & shadow simulation. Our map provides worldwide visualization of destinations in 3D. Search for the region you are going to and freely navigate around the map to screen potential photo locations. All while seeing the real shading impact of your surroundings.

Ver Shadowmap Explorer

¿Planea con sol o con sombra?Evite sorpresas desagradables.

¿Por qué Shadowmap Explorer?

Planifique tu sesión fotográfica, evento o excursión con el sol.

Obtenga claridad sobre las condiciones de luz y sombra. En cualquier lugar del mundo, en cualquier momento. Ayudamos a fotógrafos, buscadores de localizaciones, cineastas aéreos y con drones, excursionistas y viajeros a prepararse a la perfección y planificar con eficacia. Shadowmap Explorer ofrece total libertad de cámara para ver lugares de interés, rutas de viaje o alojamientos reservados desde todos los ángulos. Luz, sombra, día perfecto.

Cargar modelos 3D personalizados

Shadowmap Studio soporta archivos IFC, OBJ, FBX, DAE y GLB con materiales texturizados.

3D Solar Analytics (Análisis energética)

Utilice datos solares y mapas de irradiación para evaluar el potencial solar.


Emprende un viaje de descubrimiento: encuentra tu lugar en la luz

Planifica tus eventos con confianza. Ya sea una boda, un concierto al aire libre o una reunión corporativa, asegúrate de aprovechar al máximo la luz solar natural y la sombra. Shadowmap Explorer te ayuda a visualizar los patrones de luz solar durante todo el año, lo que te permite elegir el momento y el lugar ideal para tu evento. Crea la atmósfera perfecta aprovechando el poder de la luz natural, asegurando que cada momento esté bellamente iluminado.


Emprende un viaje de descubrimiento: encuentra tu lugar en la luz

Planifica tus eventos con confianza. Ya sea una boda, un concierto al aire libre o una reunión corporativa, asegúrate de aprovechar al máximo la luz solar natural y la sombra. Shadowmap Explorer te ayuda a visualizar los patrones de luz solar durante todo el año, lo que te permite elegir el momento y el lugar ideal para tu evento. Crea la atmósfera perfecta aprovechando el poder de la luz natural, asegurando que cada momento esté bellamente iluminado.


Shadowmap Free


La forma más fácil de probar Shadowmap. No necesitas entrar datos de tu tarjeta de crédito.

Ruta solar y brújula

Selecciona la hora del día

Edificios y elevación de terreno 3D en todo el mundo

¡No hay que registrarse!

Logo Shadowmap Explorer

Shadowmap Explorer


al mes

Para fotógrafos, cineastas, organizadores de eventos, entusiastas de la salud y excursionistas

Edificios y elevación de terreno 3D en todo el mundo

Selecciona la hora del día

Ruta solar y brújula

Información intertemporal: elige cualquier fecha y hora en el pasado o futuro

Libertad total de la cámara

Vista en primera persona incl. longitud focal variable


factura anual

– cancelar cuando quieras

Descubra nuestras otras soluciones.

Descubra nuestras otras soluciones.

Descubra nuestras otras soluciones.

Shadowmap app on iPhone showing city of Vienna held by two hands

Información solar al alcance de su mano

La primera aplicación interactiva de luz solar y sombra del mundo. Visualiza la luz para cualquier lugar, hora y fecha. ¡Perfecto para energía solar, sector inmobiliario, arquitectura, fotografía y mucho más!

Shadowmap app on iPhone showing city of Vienna held by two hands

Información solar al alcance de su mano

La primera aplicación interactiva de luz solar y sombra del mundo. Visualiza la luz para cualquier lugar, hora y fecha. ¡Perfecto para energía solar, sector inmobiliario, arquitectura, fotografía y mucho más!