Shadowmap for Home Seekers

Shadowmap for Home Seekers

How much sunlight does your future home really get? Find out with Shadowmap Home.

How much sunlight does your future home really get? Find out with Shadowmap Home.

Cosy bedroom with plants near window

Are you a home seeker? Find out how bright your dream home really gets throughout the year. No more bad surprises with properties that don’t meet your sunlight expectations.

Check Shadowmap before you buy or rent real estate

Buying property and even renting can be a very expensive decision, and having to move again is no fun either. Let us help you get all the insolation data you need to make an informed decision about your next home.

All you need is the address of a property and you can double-check in Shadowmap, if that building across the street really doesn’t block out the Sun, as the realtor promised. You can visualize it fully remotely, and save time by skipping unnecessary viewings. We also have a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that allows you to jump from Google Maps to our app and back with one simple click.

If you know the orientation and level of the apartment, you can estimate where it is located inside the 3D building model. Of course it’s even better if you already have a layout and know where each room is, perhaps most importantly the living room and bedroom.

It makes all the difference if your bedroom gets heated up all day in summer or if you can grow tomatoes on your balcony. Do you like it hot and sunny or cool and shady? Find out which flat or house best fits your needs with Shadowmap in a cross-seasonal, interactive 3D visualization.

Let’s get started: Shadowmap Explorer is all you need to verify the basic sunlight situation of your new home. It’s a small investment that can spare you a frustrating mispurchase.

For premium features try Shadowmap Home: see floor levels, use satellite maps and more.

Two women using Shadowmap on laptop.

Use Shadowmap to verify sunlight exposure remotely.

How to figure out the sunlight situation for your future home

Three main factors determine the sunlight conditions of a house or apartment.

  • What is the orientation of the building or the cardinal direction it is aligned to?

  • Sun vector: what is the highest and lowest angle of incidence in summer vs. winter?

  • How is the real 3D situation on site – shading from buildings, terrain and trees?

Of course the Sun vector depends on your geographical location on Earth. Just type it in on Shadowmap, and you will see a real time Sun vector according to your position and the time and date chosen.

Plan ahead for home extensions or solar power

Knowing the precise natural lighting conditions will also come in handy when you decide on some home extensions, like a winter garden to brighten the cold season, or when adding windows to a roof or dark room.

Especially for planning photovoltaics or solar thermal energy installations, finding the most efficient spots is key. With Shadowmap you can even factor in vertical surfaces, which are usually not available in solar energy planning software.

And for smart gardeners: we can also support you when you plant a tree, build a raised bed or if you’re looking for the best spot for a greenhouse. We sure don't have to tell you folks anything about the importance of sunlight!

Finding a home is complicated enough - allow us to help you with Shadowmap Home!

City of Vienna with interactive sunlight simulation

Find your sunny spot now.
In realtime. Anywhere on Earth.

City of Vienna with interactive sunlight simulation

Find your sunny spot now. In realtime. Anywhere on Earth.

City of Vienna with interactive sunlight simulation

Find your sunny spot now.
In realtime. Anywhere on Earth.

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Shadowmap app on iPhone showing city of Vienna held by two hands

Solar Intelligence.
At Your Fingertips.

The world's 1st interactive sunlight & shadow app. Visualize light for any location, time, and date. Perfect for solar energy, real estate, architecture, photography & more!

Shadowmap app on iPhone showing city of Vienna held by two hands

Solar Intelligence.
At Your Fingertips.

The world's 1st interactive sunlight & shadow app. Visualize light for any location, time, and date. Perfect for solar energy, real estate, architecture, photography & more!